- Details
- Kategorie: Uncategorised
- Veröffentlicht: Samstag, 25. Januar 2014 13:31
- Geschrieben von Super User
- Zugriffe: 13153
Mitglieder OV Y28 | verschiedene Ortsverbände an der Spree | |
Deutsche Stationen | 6 | 6 OVs (je 2 aus den Distrikten S, Y und D) |
Europäische Stationen | 3 | 3 OVs (je 1 aus den Distrikten S, Y und D) |
DX Stationen | 1 | 2 OVs (aus 2 verschiedenen Distrikten S, Y, bzw. D) |
S 04 - Löbau Y 07 - Königs Wusterhausen D 01 - Charlottenburg S 12 - Sohland Y 15 - Spreeaue D 06 - Spandau S 16 - Bautzen Y 18 - Fürstenwalde D 09 - Tiergarten S 25 - Bautzen Land Y 24 - Cottbus D 17 - Mitte S 28 - Weißwasser Y 30 - Spremberg D 19 - Friedrichshain S 29 - Hoyerswerda D 21 - Köpenick D 25 - Treptow
Both radio amateurs and SWL can apply for the Spreewalddiplom.
It is awarded as an appreciation for radiocommunication with amateur radio stations in the Spreewald region and with local associations (OV) along the river Spree, starting from October 3rd in 1990.
The Spreewald is a UNESCO approved natural reserve.
A connection with the club station of OV Spreewald Y28 - DL0LSW - or the contestcall - DM2W - is required in order to receive the diploma.
Further requirements:
OV Y28 members | Local Associations (OV) along the river Spree | |
German stations | 6 | 6 OVs (each 2 from OV S, Y and D) |
European stations | 3 | 3 OVs (each 1 from OV S, Y and D) |
DX stations | 1 | 2 OVs (from 2 various OV S, Y or D) |
2 certain special stations of the OV Y28 (for example DA0LSW, DR400PG, DM700LSW) can be used as a "joker" for a missing connection just once. Club stations DL0CAL, DK0KAT and the training calls DN2FBC, DN3ZF, DN6SEG and DN3ZM are also members of the OV Y28.
The diploma fee is 5,00 EUR for european stations and 7,00 USD for DX stations. In addition, the diploma is available as a .pdf for 2,00 €.
Please ask diplom manager about how to pay the fee.
The award application is done with a confirmed list of existing QSL-Cards (GCR list), which was confirmed by two signatures or created by the DARC Community Logbook - DCL -.
A list of all current members of the OV Y28 can be seen on the homepage. Former OV members (see members list) count to the OV Y28 for their time of belonging.
Locale Associations along the river Spree:
S 04 - Loebau Y 07 - Koenigs Wusterhausen D 01 - Charlottenburg S 12 - Sohland Y 15 - Spreeaue D 06 - Spandau S 16 - Bautzen Y 18 - Fuerstenwalde D 09 - Tiergarten S 25 - Bautzen Land Y 24 - Cottbus D 17 - Mitte S 28 - Weisswasser Y 30 - Spremberg D 19 - Friedrichshain S 29 - Hoyerswerda D 21 - Koepenick D 25 - Treptow